Directed by Tobias Lindholm, the show tells the horrifying tale of confessed serial killer Charles Cullen, a West Orange, NJ native who shut off ventilators and injected lethal medications into IV fluid bags at random.
Cullen, who was arrested in 2003, killed patients at Hunterdon Medical Center, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Somerset Medical Center, and Warren Hospital.
"The Good Nurse" is adapted from Charles Graeber's non-fiction book "The Good Nurse: A True Story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder."
The premise follows Jessica Chastain as Amy Loughren and Eddie Redmayne as Charles Cullen. Loughren, a single mom working night shifts in the ICU, becomes fast friends with Cullen when he starts working in her unit.
When Cullen becomes the suspect of an investigation linked to patient deaths at the hospital, Loughren faces a dilemma that compromises her family's safety.
"The Good Nurse" hits select theaters Wednesday, Oct. 19 and comes to Netflix on Oct. 26.
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